This article will explain how you can do string padding with zeros or space with the specified length either left padded or right padded in X++. Often we have a requirement that the desired string should be of specific length (say 10) and if it is not of that length, it should be prefixed with 0. A practical example would be that we need to export bank or vendor txt file with the specific configuration at desired places for a string with a specific length from ERP. To do left padding, strRFix function can be used and to do right padding, strLFix function can used Syntax str strRFix(str _str,int _length,char _char= ‘ ‘) str strLFix(str _str,int _length,char _char= ‘ ‘) str value = 'Demo' ; //strRFix Info(strRFix(value, 7 , '0' )); // this will info '000Demo' Info(strRFix(value, 7 )); // this will info ' Demo' // 3 parameter is optional with default value of space //strLFix Info(strLFix(value, 7 , '0' )); //this will info ...