Important function in x++ for D365

Important function in X++
            I would like to share some important function in x++ Like 
        ·        subStr(),              ·   strCmp(),   ·        strDel() ,   ·         strFind (),             ·        strfmt () ,    ·        strLen (),
·        strLwr (),             ·   strUpr (),    ·        strRep(),   ·        systemDateGet(),  ·        today(),      ·        trunc (),
·        boxExample (),   ·   conins(),     ·        conLen(),  ·         conPeek(), ·            ·        conNull() 

which seems to easy but some time became very tough to recall in between to coding, so don’t worry and keep coding…….
            Sub String in X++
            // for cut a string from given posititon SubStr("ABCDEFGHIJ",7,-4) returns the text string "DEFG" (the specified sub-string).

        static void subStr(Args _args)
            str s;
            real  r;
            r = strLen("");
            s = subStr("",5, 2);
            info(strFmt("s=%1 and r=%2",s,r));

        String Comparison in X++
            static void strCmp(Args _args)
            int i=2;
            str s1,s2;
            s1="string 1";
            //s2="string 1";
            s2="string 2";
            i = strCmp(s1,s2);
            if (0 == i)
                 info(strFmt("s1 and s2 are the same"));
                info(strFmt("s1 and s2 are different"));

        String Deletion in X++
            static void strDel(Args _args)
            str s;
            s = strDel("Jitendrakumar", 5, 2);

        Find characters in string in X++
            static void strFind(Args _args)
            int i;
            i = strfind("jitendrakumar", "jit", 0, 3);
            if (1 == i)
               info(strFmt("Characters are found in string"));
               info(strFmt("Characters are NOT found in string"));
        Strfmt()in X++
            static void strfmt(Args _args)
            str s1 ="testing";
            int  s2 = 2;
            real s3 =4.56;
            str  s;
            s = strfmt("string =%1,Integer = %2, Real = %3, ", s1,s2,s3);
            info( s);

        Length of string in X++
            // It will return no. of characters in given string
        static void strLen(Args _args)
            int i;
            i = strLen("jitendra");

        Convert string in lower  case in X++

            static void strLwr(Args _args)
            str l;
            l = strLwr("JITENDRA");

        Convert string in upper  case in X++
            static void strUpr(Args _args)
            str u;
            u= strUpr("jitendra");

        Repetition of string in X++

            static void strRep(Args _args)
            str r;
            r = strRep("xyz ", 5);

        Convert date into string in x++
            // we can get date according to own format
        static void systemDateGet(Args _args)
            date d;
            str d1,d2,d3 ;
            d   = systemdateget();
            d1 =  date2str(d,123,2,-1,2,-1,4);
            d2 =  date2str(d,231,2,-1,2,-1,2);
            d3 =  date2str(d,321,2,-1,2,-1,4);
            print(strFmt("dates are %1,%2,%3,%4",d,d1,d2,d3));

        Truncate Real value in X++
            // will round off all digit after decimal(.)
        static void trunc(Args _args)
            real t;
            t = trunc(4.6789);
          info(strFmt("t = %1",  t);

        Creation of Dialog in X++
            static void dialogTest(Args _args)
            Dialog dialog;
            DialogGroup dialogGroup;
            DialogField dialogField;
            dialog = new Dialog("Test Dialog");
            dialogGroup = dialog.addGroup("Customer Details");
            dialogField = dialog.addField(extendedTypeStr(Custaccount),"Customer Account Number");

        Create box for prompt in X++

            static void boxExample(Args _args)

            if(box::yesNo("Are u sure to close this form",dialogbutton::No,"Box Title")==dialogbutton::yes)
                info(strFmt("Not closing......"));


        Container Operation in X++
         // conins to insert into container
        // conLen() for the size of the container
        // conPeek() to get contents of container item
        // conNull() to Assign null value
        static void conpeek(Args _args)
            container c;
            int i;
            c =["item1", "item2","jit"];
            c= conIns(c,2,"test");
            for (i = 1 ; i <= conLen(c) ; i++)
                info(strFmt("%1",conPeek(c, i)));


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