Create a Simple Approval Workflow in Microsoft Dynamics D365

Step 1:
Basing on the requirement create a new base enum or use the existing base enum

Step 2:

          Create new fields to your main table – Ex:  SMJ_PurchaseOrder
•        Status – Enum Type -  SMJ_Workflow
•        SubmittedBy – Edt  –  UserId
•        SubmittedDateTime – Edt  –  DateSubmitted

Set the properties for the above 3 fields
 AllowEditOnCreate – No
AllowEdit – No 

Step 3:

Add table level methods
1.                    Override the Method in the Main table– canSubmitToWorkflow
2.                    Create a new method (Not overridden method) in the main table as below.

Below is the code:

Override the Method in the Main table– canSubmitToWorkflow

/// <returns></returns>
    public boolean canSubmitToWorkflow(str _workflowType = '')
        boolean ret;
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder    SMJ_PurchaseOrder;
        select firstOnly SMJ_PurchaseOrder where SMJ_PurchaseOrder.PurchaseID ==          this.PurchaseID;
        ret = this.RecId != 0 && this.WorkflowStatus == SMJ_Workflow::NotSubmitted && SMJ_PurchaseOrder;
        //ret = super(_workflowType);
        return ret;

Create a new method (Not overridden method) in the main table as below:

    public static void UpdateWorkflowState(RecId _recId, SMJ_Workflow _state)
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder    SMJ_PurchaseOrder = SMJ_PurchaseOrder::findByRecID(_recId,       true,ConcurrencyModel::Auto);
            SMJ_PurchaseOrder.WorkflowStatus = _state;

Step 4:

   Create query for the SMJ_PURCHASEORDER table, below are the screen shots

Step 5:

     Create workflow category

Set the following properties for the “Work flow category”
  • Label – Give the label.
  • Module – Select the module (in which module this workflow category belongs).
Step 6:

     Create new workflow Type.

In the wizard give the names like below
Name – (Name of the workflow type)
Category –  ( the workflow category name which created before).
Query – (Query name of this wf)
Document Menu item – (Menu item of the form where this wf is existing)

After we finish the wizard, it creates a project with objects.
Then following 3 class and 2 menu items automatically created.

Step 7:

        Create a new workflow approval

Name – (Name of the wf approval)
Workflow document –(Name of the wf type which created above and ends with Document).
Document preview field group – filed group of the main table.(optional)
Document Menu item – (Menu item of the forms where this wf is existing)

After we finish the wizard, it creates a project with objects.
Then following class and menu item automatically created.

Step 8:

       Go to workflow type  --->  Add new workflow supported element reference 

Step 9:

     In the form design of ListPage form and Details page form set the properties

example code 

SubmitManager Class:

/// <summary>
/// The JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager menu item action event handler.
/// </summary>
public class JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager

    SMJ_PurchaseOrder                       PurchaseOrder;//            IPMInvestmentMemorandumTable;
    boolean                                 submit;
    MenuItemName                            menuItemName;
    // EPWorkflowControlContext                workflowControlContext;
    WorkflowWorkItemTable                   workflowWorkItemTable;
    WorkflowComment                         workflowComment;
    WorkflowTypeName                        workflowTemplateName;
    WorkflowVersionTable                    workflowConfigurationTable;
    UserId                                  userId;
    Object                                  SMJ_PurchaseOrder_ds;
    #define.workflow('Purchase workflow')
    public boolean dialogOk()
        WorkflowSubmitDialog         workflowSubmitDialog;
        WorkflowWorkItemActionDialog workflowWorkItemActionDialog;
        boolean ok;
        if (menuItemName == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitMenuItem))
            workflowSubmitDialog = WorkflowSubmitDialog::construct(this.parmWorkflowConfigurationTable());
            ok = workflowSubmitDialog.parmIsClosedOK();
        else if (menuItemName == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFApprovalResubmitMenuItem))
            workflowWorkItemActionDialog = WorkflowWorkItemActionDialog::construct( workflowWorkItemTable,
            new MenuFunction(menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFApprovalResubmitMenuItem), MenuItemType::Action));
            ok = workflowWorkItemActionDialog.parmIsClosedOK();
            userId = workflowWorkItemActionDialog.parmTargetUser();
        return ok;

    public void init( Common _documentRecord,
                        MenuItemName _menuItemName,
                        WorkflowVersionTable _workflowConfigurationTable,
                        WorkflowWorkItemTable _workflowWorkItemTable)
        this.parmSubmit(_menuItemName == menuitemactionstr (JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitMenuItem));
        this.parmWorkflowTemplateName (this.parmWorkflowConfigurationTable().WorkflowTable().TemplateName);

    public SMJ_PurchaseOrder parmSMJ_PurchaseOrderTable(SMJ_PurchaseOrder _SMJ_PurchaseOrder = PurchaseOrder)
        PurchaseOrder = _SMJ_PurchaseOrder;
        return PurchaseOrder;

    public MenuItemName parmMenuItemName(MenuItemName _menuItemName = menuItemName)
        menuItemName = _menuItemName;
        return menuItemName;

    public boolean parmSubmit(boolean _submit = submit)
        submit = _submit;
        return submit;

    public WorkflowComment parmWorkflowComment(WorkflowComment _workflowComment = workflowComment)
        workflowComment = _workflowComment;
        return workflowComment;

    public WorkflowVersionTable parmWorkflowConfigurationTable(WorkflowVersionTable _workflowConfigurationTable = workflowConfigurationTable)
        workflowConfigurationTable = _workflowConfigurationTable;
        return workflowConfigurationTable;

    public WorkflowTypeName parmWorkflowTemplateName(WorkflowTypeName _workflowTemplateName = workflowTemplateName)
        workflowTemplateName = _workflowTemplateName;
        return workflowTemplateName;

    public WorkflowWorkItemTable parmWorkflowWorkItemtable(WorkflowWorkItemTable _workflowWorkItemTable = workflowWorkItemTable)
        workflowWorkItemTable = _workflowWorkItemTable;
        return workflowWorkItemTable;

    private void reSubmit()
        NoYes                   reSubmittingFromWeb;
        // If we have a workflow control context, we are being resubmitted from EP
        //reSubmittingFromWeb = this.parmWorkflowControlContext() == null ? NoYes::No : NoYes::Yes;
        WorkflowWorkItemActionManager::dispatchWorkItemAction( workflowWorkItemTable, workflowComment, userId, WorkflowWorkItemActionType::Resubmit, menuItemName);
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder_ds = PurchaseOrder.datasource();
        PurchaseOrder = SMJ_PurchaseOrder::findByRecID(PurchaseOrder.RecId, true, ConcurrencyModel::Auto);
        PurchaseOrder.WorkflowStatus = SMJ_Workflow::Submitted;
        if (SMJ_PurchaseOrder_ds)

    private void submit()
        NoYes  activatingFromWeb;
        // If we have a workflow control context, we are being activated from EP
        //   activatingFromWeb = this.parmWorkflowControlContext() == null ? NoYes::No : NoYes::Yes;
        Workflow::activateFromWorkflowType( this.parmWorkflowTemplateName(),PurchaseOrder.RecId, this.parmWorkflowComment(),activatingFromWeb, curuserid());
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder_ds = PurchaseOrder.dataSource();
        PurchaseOrder = SMJ_PurchaseOrder::findByRecID(PurchaseOrder.RecId, true);
        PurchaseOrder.SubmitedBy = curuserid();
        PurchaseOrder.SubmittedDateTime = utcDateTime2SystemDateTime(DateTimeUtil::utcNow());
        PurchaseOrder.WorkflowStatus = SMJ_Workflow::Submitted;
        if (SMJ_PurchaseOrder_ds)

    public static JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager construct()
        return new JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager();

    public static void main(Args args)
        JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager;
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder                PurchaseOrder;
        // Variable declaration.
        Object                          callerDataSource;
        // Hardcoded workflow type name
        //workflowTypeName workflowTypeName = workflowtypestr(SMJ_Workflow);
        // Initial note is the information that users enter when they
        // submit the document for workflow.
        WorkflowComment initialNote = "Enter any comments";
        PurchaseOrder = args.record();
        JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager =  JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager::construct();
        if (args.menuItemName() == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitMenuItem) ||
            args.menuItemName() == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFApprovalResubmitMenuItem))
            JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager.init(args.record(), args.menuItemName(), args.caller().getActiveWorkflowConfiguration(), args.caller().getActiveWorkflowWorkItem());
            JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager.init(args.record(), args.menuItemName(), null, null);
        if (JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager.dialogOk())
            if (JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitManager.parmSubmit())
            if (args.menuItemName() == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFTypeSubmitMenuItem) ||
                    args.menuItemName() == menuitemactionstr(JO_PurchWFApprovalResubmitMenuItem))
 //   public static void main(Args args)
 //    //  TODO:  Write code to execute once a work item is submitted.


EventHandler for workflow type:
/// <summary>
/// The JO_PurchWFTypeEventHandler workflow event handler.
/// </summary>
public class  JO_PurchWFTypeEventHandler implements WorkflowCanceledEventHandler
    public void started(WorkflowEventArgs _workflowEventArgs)
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder::UpdateWorkflowState(_workflowEventArgs.parmWorkflowContext().parmRecId(),   SMJ_Workflow::Submitted);

    public void canceled(WorkflowEventArgs _workflowEventArgs)
              // TODO:  Write code to execute once the workflow is canceled.

    public void completed(WorkflowEventArgs _workflowEventArgs)
        SMJ_PurchaseOrder::UpdateWorkflowState(_workflowEventArgs.parmWorkflowContext().parmRecId(),   SMJ_Workflow::Approved);


EventHandler class for workflow approval:
/// <summary>
/// The JO_PurchWFApprovalEventHandler workflow outcome event handler.
/// </summary>
public final class JO_PurchWFApprovalEventHandler implements WorkflowElementCanceledEventHandler,
    public void started(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)

    public void canceled(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)
              // TODO:  Write code to execute once the workflow is canceled.

    public void completed(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)

    public void denied(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)
              // TODO:  Write code to execute once the workflow is denied.

    public void changeRequested(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)

    public void returned(WorkflowElementEventArgs _workflowElementEventArgs)
              // TODO:  Write code to execute once the workflow is returned.

    public void created(WorkflowWorkItemsEventArgs _workflowWorkItemsEventArgs)
              // TODO:  Write code to execute once work items are created.


Final output:
Before submit workflow 

 After submit workflow


Before Approve workflow

After Approve workflow


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